Bills (Actual Legislation)

HR 4613: VA Reporting Transparency Act

This bill requires VA to post on the VA website all reports to Congress, so that the public may see them. Read the full bill at:

Learn about the Protect the GI Bill Act

Overview of The Protect the GI Bill Act Gives Student Veterans the Same Rights as Other Students Contained within the larger Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement [...]

HR 4162: GI Bill Planning Act of 2019

This bill: extends in-state tuition at public universities and colleges for all veterans, eliminating the provision that had required veterans to enroll "within 3 years" of leaving military service; gives servicemembers more time (6 months) [...]

HR 4085: Student Veteran Empowerment Act of 2019

We are grateful to the GOP leadership of the House Veterans Affairs Committee for this excellent bill, which: Helps solve the problem of GI Bill overpayments by requiring monthly enrollment verification; Ensures that "deemed approved" [...]

Veterans Education Success

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