We help state policymakers address the needs of military-connected students and improve college quality and accountability.
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Explore the 2020 Toolkit for State Policymakers by Veterans Education Success and The Century Foundation
Check out our new toolkit for state policymakers titled, 2020 Toolkit for State Policymakers: What States Can Do to Protect Students from Predatory For-Profit Colleges. The toolkit provides a blueprint for navigating a tumultuous time in higher education as the economic downturn, combined with the coronavirus pandemic, leads to more school closures and an increase in predatory recruiting practices by for-profit schools. Endorsed by both Republican and Democratic state leaders, the 2020 Toolkit for State Policymakers offers practical, common-sense steps state leaders can undertake to prevent abrupt college closures and protect vulnerable veterans and military-connected students in higher education. Click here to download a PDF of the 2020 Toolkit.
In California, we worked with state legislators to improve college oversight and student protections. We also support California regulations to improve oversight of GI Bill colleges. We helped secure four new laws in 2019 and 2020:
- AB 1340, which requires California’s Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education to calculate students’ debt-to-income ratio at for-profit colleges and programs.
- AB 1344, which increases state oversight of out-of-state institutions that enroll California students in online programs.
- AB1346 helps students recover the true cost of their losses if their school closes while they are enrolled.
- AB 70 prevents covert for-profit institutions from misleading students and taxpayers by defining what constitutes a “nonprofit corporation” and “public institution of higher education” in California.
Coalition Letter to California’s Governor Newsom in Support for SB 802
September 16, 2021 The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor Office of the Governor 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173 Sacramento CA, 95814 SB 802 (Roth) – Request for Signature Dear Governor Newsom: We represent a group of [...]
Letter from 14 Organizations in Support of California Senate Bill 802
The Honorable Evan Low Assembly Business and Professions Committee Legislative Office Building, Room 379 Sacramento, California 95814 July 9, 2021 RE: SUPPORT for SB 802 Dear Chair Medina: We represent a group of student, veteran, [...]
Our Testimony to the California Senate Judiciary Committee on Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12
William Hubbard, Veterans Education Success Testimony California Senate Judiciary Committee July 2021 Good afternoon to the Honorable Members and your staff: I speak with you about Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12, and wish to register [...]
Letter from The Nation’s Leading Military and Veteran-Serving Organizations to California Legislators on Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12
Good morning, Nearly 20 veterans organizations oppose AJR-12, and for good reason. This is contrary to information shared by the California-Accredited Law Schools and their lobbyists (ref. letters attached). Despite all the arguments their lobbyists [...]
Coalition Letter: Support for California’s SB-802
The Honorable Jose Medina Assembly Higher Education Committee Legislative Office Building, Room 173 Sacramento, California 95814 RE: SUPPORT for SB 802 as Amended 5/5/2021 Dear Chair Medina: We represent a group of student, veteran, consumer, [...]
Letter from Congressman Takano to California Legislators on Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12
Congressman Takano sent the following letters to Members of the California State Legislature, including Mark Stone, Thomas J. Umberg, Bob Archuleta, Jacqui Irwin, Connie M. Leyva, and Jose Medina. I write in regard to Assembly [...]
Ed Source: California Agency that Oversees For-Profit Colleges to Face Critics
"It's protections like that that make robust oversight of for-profit schools a benefit to the state and a strong oversight agency vital, said Ramond Curtis, the state policy manager of the Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group [...]
In Maine, we supported an important bill for two years, finally enacted in May 2019, LD 103, “An Act to Ensure the Integrity of For-Profit Colleges,” which requires annual review by the Commissioner of Education to ensure for-profit colleges are meeting adequate educational standards. For-profit colleges and universities, like their public and non-profit counterparts, will have to report how much money is spent on instruction, graduation rates, loan status of graduates, and employment status of graduates.
An Act To Ensure the Integrity of For-profit Colleges
The 129th Maine legislature unanimously passes bill requiring better oversight of for-profit colleges passes unanimously.
In Maryland, we have focused our efforts on closing the 90-10 loophole and ensuring that for-profit colleges fairly invest in the education they provide their students and ensure a fair and orderly closure process.
- In 2019 we helped successfully enact a new law to track “covert” for-profit colleges, but we narrowly missed passing SB 399, a bill that would’ve required for-profit schools to reduce the amount of government funding on which they currently rely by creating a state-level 85-15 rule.
- In 2020 we successfully finished what we started with new laws to close the 90-10 loophole and to require schools that shut down to cancel student debts, refund tuition, and ensure students have transfer options and access to their academic records.
Maryland Wins $2.6 Million in Loan Forgiveness for Brightwood College Students
November 16, 2020 - The Maryland Attorney General reached a settlement with Brightwood College to provide loan relief to Maryland students. Any loans owed directly to the school by Maryland students will be cancelled and, [...]
Baltimore Sun: Maryland First to Protect Veterans from For-profit Colleges
"Gov. Larry Hogan and the Maryland General Assembly have made the state the first in the nation to pass important protections for veterans who often fall prey to deceptive marketing practices of failing for-profit colleges. [...]
Press Release: Veterans Education Success Commends Maryland as the First State to Close the 90/10 Loophole
May 7, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Ramond Curtis, State Policy Manager Veterans Education Success Commends Maryland as the First State to Close the 90/10 Loophole Advocates and veterans defrauded by for-profit schools react [...]
Maryland: Institutional Sector Comparisons
This fact sheet provides statistics comparing Maryland public, for-profit, and nonprofit postsecondary institutions with respect to: Enrollment—total vs. students using the GI Bill and DOD Tuition Assistance, Dollars received for students using the GI Bill [...]
Joint Military & Veteran Service Organization Letter: Praising VA’s Effort to Protect Veterans and Taxpayers from Schools that Mislead Prospective Students
April 9, 2020 The Honorable Robert Wilkie U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20420 Dear Secretary Wilkie: Thank you for enforcing 38 U.S.C. § 3696, which is critical in stopping [...]
Inside Higher Ed: Maryland Closes 90-10 Loophole
“This groundbreaking legislation makes Maryland the first in the nation to stand up for veterans and stop predatory schools from cheating them out of their hard-earned GI Bill,” said Ramond Curtis, state policy manager for [...]
Education Dive: Maryland could be the first state to close a loophole on federal aid to for-profit colleges
Maryland's bill intends to pose new limits on for-profit schools by forcing them to include military and veteran benefits when determining how much federal aid they rely on for revenue. Many large for-profit chains, such [...]
Washington Post: Maryland General Assembly moves to tighten federal aid restrictions on for-profit colleges
Maryland is poised to become the first state to limit the revenue for-profit colleges can receive from enrolling veterans. On Tuesday, the state House of Delegates unanimously passed legislation to close a loophole in the [...]
In Massachusetts we worked with the Attorney General’s office on regulations to ensure school accountability.
Massachusetts AG Settles with PHEAA Following Allegations of Unfair and Deceptive Practices
February 10, 2021 AG HEALEY SECURES FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND RELIEF IN SETTLEMENT WITH MAJOR STUDENT LOAN SERVICER Resolves Claims that PHEAA Made Errors and Misrepresentations in Administering Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program; More than 200,000 Massachusetts Borrowers [...]
Public Comment by Veterans and Military Organizations on Deceptive Marketing by For-Profit Schools
Public Comment by Veterans & Military Organizations on the Massachusetts Attorney General's Proposed Regulations on Deceptive Marketing by For-Profit Schools
In New York, we are played a pivotal role in educating the Governor’s office, the Senate, and the Assembly on how they can best rein in predatory and deceptive practices. In 2019, we were invited to testify on three different occasions in front of the Senate Committee on Higher Education, where we highlighted the need for stronger regulation and oversight of predatory schools.
New York City Department of Consumer Affairs Report, Ill-Served: Why NYC Veterans Should Use Extra Caution When Choosing a For-Profit School
"Unfortunately, all too often, veterans’ tuition benefits go to for-profit programs and schools with poor graduation and employment outcomes4 that, in the words of Hollister K. Petraeus, the former head of the Office of Servicemember [...]
New York: Institutional Sector Comparisons
This fact sheet provides statistics comparing New York public, for-profit, and nonprofit postsecondary institutions with respect to: Enrollment—total vs. students using the GI Bill and DOD Tuition Assistance, Dollars received for students using the GI [...]
Our Veterans Advocate Tyson Manker Speaks at NYC Consumer Affairs Panel
Video of advocate Tyson Manker speaking at NYC Consumer Affairs Panel about student debt among veterans, and the dire need to improve protections around the Post 9/11 GIBill
NYS Senate Public Hearing on Higher Education
Senate Standing Committee on Higher Education Chair: Senator Toby Ann Stavisky Public Hearing: To explore ways to review oversight over for-profit schools in order to better inform students, parents and consumers about for-profit education schools. - April, 2019
Veterans and Military Service Organization Letter of Support: Closing the 90/10 Loophole in New York State
16 leading national VSO and MSO write letter to the New York State Senate Committee on Higher Education in support of closing the 90/10 loophole.
New York Post Letter to the Editor by our State Policy Manager Ramond Curtis
“Veterans organizations, including the American Legion, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the Association of the US Navy, and a dozen others are calling on Albany to enact Gov. Cuomo’s "For-Profit College Accountability Act”
Letter of Support from The American Legion
The American Legion Department of New York writes in support of Gov. Cuomo’s “For Profit Accountability Act”
Testimony of Our State Policy Manager Ramond Curtis
Testimony in support of Gov. Cuomo's "For-Profit College Accountability Act” before the NY state Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committee by VES State Policy Manager Ramond Curtis: "New York can prevent predatory practices and bad outcomes by implementing strong policies that hold for-profit colleges accountable to the students and taxpayers they have an obligation to serve." March, 2019
In New Jersey we work with state advocates to support stronger regulations to ensure school accountability and transparency.
Testimony of Ramond Curtis Before the New Jersey Senate Higher Education Committee on S1852
On behalf of the student servicemembers, veterans, their family members, and survivors that we represent, we thank you for the opportunity to testify in favor of S1851. This bill will limit the distribution of state-funded [...]
In Oregon, we have been working diligently to pass legislation that would close the 90-10 loophole for the entire state. Our bills in 2019 and 2020, HB 2976 and SB 1544, received strong bipartisan support from the very beginning. Although both bills passed the Committees on Education with unanimous support, we were held up in Ways and Means. However, with strong support for closing the loophole in both the House and Senate, we hope to pass our loophole closure bill during the 2021 session.
Oregon State Legislator Sign-On Letter in Support of SB 1544
"By exploiting this loophole, for-profit colleges can improperly count GI Bill benefits as private funds, offsetting the 90 percent cap they otherwise face on their access to federal student aid. We know you have numerous [...]
Oregon: Institutional Sector Comparisons
This fact sheet provides statistics comparing Oregon public, for-profit, and nonprofit postsecondary institutions with respect to: • Enrollment—total vs. students using the GI Bill and DOD Tuition Assistance, • Dollars received for students using the [...]
Veterans Education Success Testifies Before Oregon Senate Committee on Closing the 90/10 Loophole
Watch Veterans Education Success State Policy Manager Ramond Curtis testify alongside OR State Legislators and American Legion leadership before the Oregon Senate Committee about pending legislation that would close the 90/10 loophole in Oregon.
SB 1544 VSO/MSO Coalition Letter in Support
SB 1544 support letter for 90/10 loophole closure coalition letter signed by 13 VSOs and MSOs
SB 1544 Letter in Support; The American Legion Legislative Chair, Jack LAbox
The American Legion Legislative Chair, Jack Labox, testimony in favor of closing the 90/10 loophole.
SB 1544 Letter in Support; The American Legion, OR
The state commander for The American Legion Department of Oregon writes in support of SB 1544 and closing the 90/10 loophole.
SB 1544 Letter in Support, Oregon State University Student Veterans of America
The Student Veterans of America Oregon State University chapter letter in support fo closing the 90/10 loophole.
Veterans Education Success Letter in Support for SB 1544
"We at Veterans Education Success are writing in support of Senate Bill 1544. This bill will protect veterans and servicemembers from fraud and abuse by predatory colleges that target them with aggressive and deceptive recruiting just to get their GI Bill."
In Virginia we worked with the State Council of Higher Education to ensure school accountability and joined the Virginia Governor in August 2020 in a press conference to announce a new state law to ensure disabled veterans aren’t taxed on their lawful right to student loan forgiveness.
Press Conference with Virginia Governor to announce new law for disabled veterans
We were pleased to join the Virginia Governor at his bill signing ceremony for SB 745, which ensures disabled veterans do not have to pay Virginia state income tax when their student loans are forgiven [...]
HB 375 Postsecondary schools; enrollment agreements, disputes, arbitration
Postsecondary schools; enrollment agreements; disputes; arbitration. Prohibits any postsecondary school that is required to be certified by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia from conditioning the enrollment of a student on (i) entering into [...]
VES Comment on Proposed Regulation for Virginia Enrollment in Higher-Ed
Veterans Education Success has found that enrollment contracts are increasingly being used by certain postsecondary institutions as ways to limit the rights of the students that we serve. Restrictive clauses are often an [...]
Our Letter to VA and Georgia SAA Regarding House of Prayer Christian Church
In August 2020, we asked the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Georgia State Approving Agency to investigate alleged abuses of the GI Bill program by House of Prayer Christian Church's bible seminaries. To protect [...]
2020 Toolkit for State Policymakers
Visit the website page here: https://vetsedsuccess.org/2020-toolkit-state-policymakers/
State Policy Advocacy Report January 2019 – April 2020
In just the last sixteen months, Veterans Education Success has worked with state legislators, higher education non-profits, and veteran/military service organizations to introduce first-in-the-nation 90/10 loophole closure bills in three states.
Letter to State AGs regarding the University of Phoenix
February 14, 2020 Dear Attorneys General: As you may have heard, on December 10, 2019, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a proposed settlement[1] with the University of Phoenix (UOP). In its investigation, the [...]
Washington Denies Ashford University’s Application to Recruit, Advertise, or Offer Field Placements to Students
On May 3, 2019, the Washington Student Achievement Council notified Ashford University that it is not permitted to engage in any actions that constitute "operating" in Washington, as defined in the state's Degree-Granting Institutions Act. [...]
We collaborate with allied organizations to protect veterans and their hard-earned education benefits. Through these collaborations, we are able to increase our impact and ability to produce meaningful results. Bellow is a list of reports from other organizations that we think provide useful suggestions for state policymakers.
The Century Foundation: Encouraging Innovation & Preventing Abuse in For-Profit Higher Education
The Century Foundation is a progressive, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to foster opportunity, reduce inequality, and promote security at home and abroad.
Children’s Advocacy Institute: Failing U: Do State Laws Protect Our Veterans and Other Students From For-Profit Postsecondary Predators?
The Children’s Advocacy Institute's mission is to improve the health, safety, development, and well-being of children and youth. Their goal is to ensure that children’s interests are represented effectively whenever government makes policy and budget decisions.



VES' Mike Saunders testified today before the New York State Assembly Committee on Veterans and Subcommittee on Women Veterans re: #veterans' transition to civilian career and how to ensure economic success pic.twitter.com/3sOzucEEbB
— Veterans Education Success (@GIBillRights) December 12, 2018
VES Veterans Advocate @tyson_manker joined @NYCPA this afternoon to talk about the importance of military women and men receiving timely, accurate information about their #GiBill benefits. pic.twitter.com/PV4UQE5CD1
— Veterans Education Success (@GIBillRights) July 17, 2018
Proud of our State Policy Manager Ramond Curtis testifying here before the Maryland legislature to protect #student #veterans' hard-earned #GIBill! Alongside @cmadaio with Maryland Attorney General @BrianFrosh and @Bob_Shireman of @TCFdotorg and @mdconsumers #defendstudents pic.twitter.com/F2LakdrgmK
— Veterans Education Success (@GIBillRights) February 24, 2019
Great meetings with key California policymakers here in Sacramento CA on behalf of #student #Veterans. Huge thanks to @MyCalVet, CA Assembly Speaker, CA Assembly Vets Committee, #highered commissions, & California Attorney General! pic.twitter.com/cxwpwruHib
— Veterans Education Success (@GIBillRights) December 4, 2018
On Friday Gov. @GavinNewsom signed 3 major bills that we have been working on all year in CA: #AB1340, #AB1344, #AB1346
We are grateful that CA is stepping up to #protectstudents, and sending a message to #4Profits that they will not allow CA students to be mislead or defrauded!
— Veterans Education Success (@GIBillRights) October 7, 2019
See how we are working to advance higher education success, protecting the integrity and promise of the GI Bill.