We advocate for student veterans before VA

VA’s Obligation to Stop Colleges’ Deceptive Recruiting

We have pushed VA for years to stop colleges’ deceptive recruiting. We helped bring to VA’s attention a Vietnam-era statute, 38 USC 3696, that requires VA to cut off GI Bill funding to schools that engage in deceptive recruiting. We continue to prod VA to comply with the law, including engaging Congressional pressure on VA.

GI Bill Reinstatement for Students Whose School Closed

The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 allows VA to restore entitlement to beneficiaries affected by school closure or disapproval (if the disapproval was due to a change in law or VA interpretation of statute).

National GI Bill Delays

We worked to ensure that GI Bill delays were addressed immediately, and has fought to make sure the VA makes back payments on all missed payments.

VA Proposes to Waive Ethics Rule for VA Employees

When the Department of Veterans Affairs announced a rule to waive federal ethics rules to legalize bribery of VA employees, we alerted and worked closely with ethics experts, and our military, veteran and education allies to organize opposition efforts to force VA to reverse its decision.

Specific Schools

We work with the VA to make sure bad-actor schools that rip off students are brought under proper oversight so that veterans get the best quality education and training for their hard-earned education benefits.


Our Letter to VA Regarding the GI Bill® School Feedback Tool

August 15, 2024 Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Benefits Administration 810 Vermont Avenue NW Washington, DC 20420 Via electronic submission Re: GI Bill® School Feedback Tool, No Form, OMB Control No. 2900-0797, Document Number 2024-13219 Dear Sir/Madam: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the collection of information by [...]

Veterans & Military Service Organizations’ Letter to VA Regarding Proposed Regulatory Changes Opening Up GI Bill To Unaccredited Online Programs

February 21, 2024 The Honorable Josh Jacobs, Under Secretary for Benefits Veteran Benefits Administration U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue NW Washington, DC 20420 via email Re: Proposed Regulatory Change on the Definition of “Independent Study” Dear Mr. Jacobs, The undersigned veterans and military service organizations write to [...]

Our Letter to VA Regarding Proposed Regulatory Changes Opening up GI Bill to Unaccredited Online Programs

MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Joshua Jacobs, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CC: The Honorable James Kvaal, U.S. Department of Education The Honorable Terri Tanielian, White House Domestic Policy Council Mr. Joe Garcia, Education Service, Veterans Benefits Administration Ms. Faye Fernandes, Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Ms. Kesley Baron, Senate Committee [...]


VA’s Resolution of 3696 Violations by 5 schools

On July 2, 2020, VA notified 5 schools at risk of losing eligibility to enroll GI Bill students over deceptive recruiting that their prior resolutions with federal and state law enforcement would suffice, rendering 38 USC 3696 meaningless. VA's letters are below


Our Public Comment Seeking Changes to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Proposed Rule on Reporting Debts to Credit Reporting Agencies

September 21, 2021 Submitted via electronic portal Jason Hoge Director of Operations Debt Management Center Office of Management, 189 1 Federal Drive Suite 4500 Fort Snelling, MN 55111 Re: RIN 2900-AR20-Threshold for Reporting VA Debts to Consumer Reporting Agencies Dear Mr. Hoge: I write on behalf of Veterans Education Success [...]

Veterans Education Success was proud to partner with the Department of Veterans Affairs to make this video, “Know Before You Go,” to educate service-members, veterans and military-connected students about their hard-earned education benefits.


Veterans Affairs

Defense Department

Education Department

Consumer Financial Protection Agencies

Federal Trade Commission