The Veterans Education Success advocacy group on Tuesday sent a letter to the Defense Department, asking it to follow the VA’s lead and end the university’s eligibility for student aid — in this case the department’s tuition-assistance program.

“For decades, veterans have been targeted with incredibly ugly, deceptive recruiting and fraud to steal their GI Bill, and nobody’s done anything about it,” the group’s president, Carrie Wofford, told The Chronicle. “The government has each time caved to corporate interests. This time, with a court finding of fraud, this company has no business getting federal funds.”

Also Tuesday, Wofford’s group joined with nearly a dozen others, including the American Federation of Teachers and the Center for Responsible Lending, to ask the Education Department to cut off the University of Arizona Global Campus from Pell Grants and federal student loans.

“The Higher Education Act requires the Department to act now to protect students and taxpayers’ dollars — not years into the future,” the groups wrote.

Read the full story in the Chronicle of Higher Education here.