We advocate for military students before the Defense Department


We worked closely with the Defense Department to develop these student protection rules


Our Press Release: Analysis of How the Defense Department’s Tuition Assistance Funds are Spent

For Immediate Release            Contact Walter Ochinko May 25, 2021                                                    Veterans Education Success Releases Analysis of How the Defense Department’s Tuition Assistance Funds are Spent  For-profit colleges enrolled fewer servicemembers but received more TA revenue and one [...]

Factsheet: Defense Department Tuition Assistance Program: Enrollment and Credentials Earned, by Institutional Sector, for Fiscal Year 2019

In fiscal year (FY) 2019, almost 250,000 servicemembers participated in the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) Tuition Assistance (TA) program. The program allows eligible servicemembers to take postsecondary classes on a part-time basis during off-duty hours at one of 1,808 participating schools.[1] Servicemembers (1) must obtain approval from their [...]

Our Letter to President Biden – Ideas for an Executive Order

February 17, 2021   President Joseph R. Biden The White House Washington, DC  20500   Dear President Biden: Thank you for committing to protect veterans, servicemembers, and military families from predatory colleges that deceive them out of their hard-earned GI Bill and other military education benefits: “We’ll… crack down on [...]


Our Letter to the Department of Defense on Ashford University/University of Arizona Global Campus’ Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding

April 5, 2022 Gilbert R. Cisneros Jr. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 Re: Ashford University/University of Arizona Global Campus’ Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Defense Dear Under Secretary Cisneros, We urge the Department of Defense to [...]

Our Letter with Executive Order Ideas to Protect Service Members and Veterans in Higher Education

MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Susan Rice, Director, Domestic Policy Council The Honorable Thomas J. Murphy, Acting Under Secretary for Benefits, Department of Veterans Affairs The Honorable Gilbert Cisneros, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness The Honorable James Kvaal, Under Secretary of Education The Honorable Jason Miller, Deputy Director [...]

Our Letter to DoD & ED Asking Them to Improve PSLF

May 7, 2021   The Honorable Miguel Cardona Secretary of Education Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW Washington, DC  20202   Secretary Lloyd Austin US Department of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000   Re: Streamlining Public Service Loan Forgiveness for Past & Present Active Duty Servicemembers   [...]

Our Letter to President Biden – Ideas for an Executive Order

February 17, 2021   President Joseph R. Biden The White House Washington, DC  20500   Dear President Biden: Thank you for committing to protect veterans, servicemembers, and military families from predatory colleges that deceive them out of their hard-earned GI Bill and other military education benefits: “We’ll… crack down on [...]

Coalition letter to the Biden Transition Team regarding for-profit college influence

December 1, 2020 Ted Kaufman 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 Cathy Russell 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 Dear Mr. Kaufman and Ms. Russell, As organizations working on behalf of students, veterans, faculty and staff, civil rights advocates, researchers, and others concerned about unaffordable student debts and [...]


The Military Lending Act and You

This post was originally published by Military.com on August 13, 2019.  The Military Lending Act and You By Mike Saunders, Director for Military and Consumer Policy, Veterans Education Success As an active-duty service member, you [...]


Veterans Affairs

Defense Department

Education Department

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