Our published reports regarding college accountability and students’ rights.
Veterans Education Success works with our military and veteran allies to send policy advice to government officials.
Student Veteran Submission: Stephanie Stiefel Testimony to the Department of Education
Stephanie Stiefel, Veteran Testimony U.S. Education Department October 5, 2021 Good afternoon. My name is Stephanie Stiefel. I am here today to tell my story in the hope that what happened to me will not [...]
Letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs on Agency Information Collection Activity and the Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios
September 24, 2021 Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue NW Washington, DC 20420 Submitted via electronic portal Re: Agency Information Collection Activity: Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios, 86 FR [...]
Coalition Letter to California’s Governor Newsom in Support for SB 802
September 16, 2021 The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor Office of the Governor 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173 Sacramento CA, 95814 SB 802 (Roth) – Request for Signature Dear Governor Newsom: We represent a group of [...]
Letter to US Department of Education on Joint Federal State Oversight
September 10, 2021 Beth Grebeldinger U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid 830 First Street NE Room 113F4 Washington, DC 20202 RE: Joint Federal State Oversight (Docket ID ED-2021-OS-0107) Dear Ms. Grebeldinger: Thank you for [...]
Summary of Veteran and Servicemember Student Complaints about Perdoceo Education Corporation
I. Introduction This memo analyzes and provides representative examples of over 500 complaints from military-connected students who attended schools owned by the Perdoceo Education Corporation, formerly known as the Career Education Corporation and referred to [...]
Our Letter to Howard University Regarding the DC SAA Suspension Lift
August 31, 2021 Sent via email Dr. Glenn Phillips Howard University 2400 Sixth Street NW Washington, D.C. 20059 Dear Dr. Phillips, We are pleased that the suspension imposed by the Washington, D.C. State Approving Agency [...]
Letter From 22 Organizations to the US Department of Education On Nomination For Affordability and Student Loan Committee
Vanessa Gomez U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Room 2C179 Washington, DC 20202 Docket ID ED-2021-OPE-0077 August 31, 2021 Dear Ms. Gomez, The undersigned veterans and military service organizations write to make the [...]
Our Testimony to the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity
Barmak Nassirian, Veterans Education Success Written Testimony National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity July 27-29, 2021 My name is Barmak Nassirian and I serve as the Vice President for Higher Education Policy at [...]
Letter From 5 Higher Ed Organizations to The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements on Distance Education
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements President/CEO and Board of Directors 3005 Center Green Drive Boulder, Colorado 80301 July 26, 2021 Re: Proposed 21st Century Guidelines for Distance Education Dear President Williams and Members [...]
Letter From 5 Higher Ed Organizations to The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements on Student Protection
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements President/CEO and Board of Directors 3005 Center Green Drive Suite 130 Boulder, Colorado 80301 July 26, 2021 Re: Call for Policy Proposals Dear President Williams and Members of [...]
Letter From 12 Organizations to the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity
Dr. Michelle Asha Cooper National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202 Dear Dr. Cooper: This letter is submitted on behalf of the 12 undersigned organizations to commend [...]
Letter to Education Department Regarding Adtalem Walden University Acquisition
July 21, 2021 The Honorable Miguel Cardona, Ed.D. Secretary U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave SW Washington, DC 20202 Dear Secretary Cardona: We write to express concern regarding Adtalem’s proposed acquisition of Walden University [...]
Student Veteran Statement: Tasha Berkhalter Written Statement to Senate Judiciary Committee
Tasha Berkhalter, Army Veteran Statement for the Record United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Student Loan Bankruptcy Reform Full Committee Hearing August 3, 2021 My name is Tasha Berkhalter, and I am an Army [...]
Student Veteran Statement: Joshua Queen Written Statement to Senate Judiciary Committee
Joshua Queen, Air Force Veteran Statement for the Record United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Student Loan Bankruptcy Reform Full Committee Hearing August 3, 2021 My name is Joshua Queen, and I am an [...]
Massachusetts Attorney General Secures Nearly $300,000 for Students of Online For-profit School
For Immediate Release July 2, 2021 AG HEALEY SECURES NEARLY $300,000 FOR STUDENTS OF ONLINE FOR-PROFIT SCHOOL Settlement Provides Payments for Certain Former Ashford University Students and Resolves Allegations that School Charged Excessive Fees and [...]
Inside Higher Ed: Department of Education Cancels Loans for ITT Tech Students
"Carrie Wofford, the president of Veterans Education Success -- an advocacy group that provided evidence to the department to aid in its decision -- applauded its decision in a release. “'So many veterans came to [...]
Washington Post: Biden Administration Delivers Debt Relief to Some Former ITT Tech Students
“The Education Department said that evidence, along with findings from advocacy group Veterans Education Success, serves as the basis for the approvals. "'So many veterans came to us about how ITT Tech cheated them,' said [...]
Our Press Release: Veterans Education Success Applauds Department of Education’s $500 Million in Loan Relief to 18,000 Borrowers Scammed by ITT Technical Institute
For Immediate Release Contact: Carrie Wofford | President (202) 838-5050 June 16, 2021 Veterans Education Success Applauds Department of Education’s $500 Million in Loan Relief to 18,000 Borrowers Scammed by ITT Technical Institute The Department [...]
Navy Times: The 2021 Military Times Best for Vets: Colleges Rankings Are Out. Is Your School On The List?
Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success, said there had been “loud consensus” from veterans organizations that Congress “had to remove the recruiting target from the backs of veterans.” The new regulations won’t go into [...]
FTC Sends Nearly $30 Million in Refunds to People Tricked into Enrolling by School Operator’s Lead Generators
June 9, 2021 U.S. Federal Trade Commission For Release Career Education Corporation refund distribution, averaging more than $3,700 per person, is the largest per person average in agency’s history The Federal Trade Commission is sending [...]
The Capitol Forum: Perdoceo Education Corporation: Data Shows that Deferral of $39M Title IV Funds in 2019 Saved Company from 90/10 Violation; Company Likely Needs to Find New Funding Sources Ahead of 2023 When New Law Closing 90/10 Loophole Takes Effect
"Perdoceo thought that its purchase of Trident University International would cure its problem with AIU’s nearly 90 percent 90/10 ratio as of 2019,” said Walter Ochinko, Research Director at Veterans Education Success. "However, Percdoceo failed [...]
For-Profit Trade School Owner Guilty of Defrauding Veterans
April 19, 2021 - The U.S. Department of Justice announced that the owner of for-profit trade school Retail Ready was convicted of defrauding student veterans. Jonathan Dean Davis ran an HVAC training course and collected [...]
Bloomberg: Ex-Temple Business Dean Cheated for Prized Rank, U.S. Says
The former dean of Temple University’s business school fed false data to U.S. News & World Report for years to inflate the school’s ranking and attract students, federal prosecutors alleged, in their latest crackdown involving higher education. Read [...]
Policy issues of Veterans Education Success
Veterans Education Success works to improve post-secondary quality and student outcomes to ensure military-connected students enjoy a solid education leading to a successful civilian career. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to college quality and student outcomes.
Veterans Education Success seeks to ensure students have adequate protections and rights and also believes bad actor colleges should be held accountable if they’ve trampled on students’ rights. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to student protections and college accountability.
Vterans Education Success works to protect the GI Bill and other federal education benefits.