Our published reports regarding college accountability and students’ rights.
Veterans Education Success works with our military and veteran allies to send policy advice to government officials.
Statement on the Senate’s Move to Close the 90/10 Loophole in the Reconciliation Package
STATEMENT FROM CARRIE WOFFORD, PRESIDENT OF VETERANS EDUCATION SUCCESS, ON CONGRESS' MOVE TO (FINALLY) CLOSE THE 90/10 LOOPHOLE "We are grateful Congress is moving to finally remove the target from the backs of veterans and servicemembers [...]
Our Letter to President Biden – Ideas for an Executive Order
February 17, 2021 President Joseph R. Biden The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Biden: Thank you for committing to protect veterans, servicemembers, and military families from predatory colleges that deceive them [...]
Veterans Education Success Celebrates Landmark Law Protecting the GI Bill
Veterans Education Success Celebrates Landmark Law to Protect Student Veterans and Ensure Better Oversight of GI Bill Colleges January 5, 2021 For Immediate Release Contact: Carrie Wofford: [email protected] Veterans Education Success celebrates landmark legislation to [...]
Veterans Education Success Hails Unanimous Passage of Landmark Legislation to Protect Student Veterans and Ensure Better Oversight of GI Bill Colleges
December 16, 2020 For Immediate Release Contact: Carrie Wofford: [email protected] Veterans Education Success hails unanimous passage of landmark legislation to protect student veterans and ensure better oversight of GI Bill colleges Veterans Education Success proposed, [...]
Our Letter to the VA Advisory Committee on Education
December 7, 2020 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Education Services 810 Vermont Avenue NW Washington DC 20420 Via electronic submission to [email protected] Re: Advisory Committee on Education Dear Members of the Advisory Committee, [...]
Veterans Education Success Hails Senate Passage of Landmark Legislation to Protect Student Veterans and Ensure Better Oversight of GI Bill Colleges
December 9, 2020 For Immediate Release Contact: Carrie Wofford ([email protected]) and Tanya Ang ([email protected]) Veterans Education Success hails Senate passage of landmark legislation to protect student veterans and ensure better oversight of GI Bill colleges [...]
Our Written Testimony for the House Veterans Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee Hearing on 2021 Legislative Priorities
Coalition letter to the Biden Transition Team regarding for-profit college influence
December 1, 2020 Ted Kaufman 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 Cathy Russell 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 Dear Mr. Kaufman and Ms. Russell, As organizations working on behalf of students, veterans, [...]
Our letter to NC-SARA re: state reciprocity rules to protect student veterans
Our letter, with our higher education allies, to the NC-SARA leadership regarding state reciprocity rules to protect student veterans.
Coalition letter to the Education Department re: ACICS accreditor
November 20, 2020 Herman Bounds, Director, Accreditation Group Office of Postsecondary Education U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20202 Re: Petition for Renewal of Recognition, Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and [...]
Comment from 15 Groups on Federal Student Aid’s Strategic Plan FY 2020-24
October 23, 2020 Major General Mark A. Brown, USAF (Ret.) Chief Operating Officer Office of Federal Student Aid 830 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20202 Re: Comments on FSA’s Approach to Financial [...]
Military.Com: New Law Finally Closes GI Bill Loophole Allegedly Used to Scam Veterans
"'After nearly a decade of requests from veterans and military organizations, we are grateful Congress is moving to finally remove the target from the backs of veterans and service members by closing the 90/10 loophole,' [...]
Military Times: GI Bill Vets May Be Less Attractive to For-Profit Schools Under New Law
"'After nearly a decade of requests from veterans and military organizations, we are grateful Congress is moving to finally remove the target from the backs of veterans and servicemembers by closing this loophole,' said Carrie [...]
Inside Higher Ed: Senate Approves $40 Billion for Colleges; Measure Also Would Tighten Up the 90/10 Rule on For-Profit Colleges
“'This is a game changer. Finally, after a decade of our asking, Congress is going to stop the ugly harassment of veterans by for-profit colleges,' said Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success. 'Of course, [...]
Military.com: Vet Groups Make Final Effort to Kill GI Bill Loophole Through COVID Relief Package
"On Friday, 31 veterans advocate groups and military organizations penned a letter to the Senators stressing the need to close the so-called 90/10 loophole. Currently, for-profit schools must collect at least 10% of their revenue [...]
Bipartisan amendment to delay implementation of 90/10 loophole closure in the COVID relief reconciliation package
Below is the text of the bipartisan amendment to delay implementation of the 90/10 loophole closure in the American Recovery Act (COVID relief reconciliation plan). This deal was brokered between Senators Tom Carper (D-DE), Bill [...]
Republic Report: Independence University Operator Seeks To Conceal Record of Trial It Lost
"An additional brief supporting the AG office position was filed last week by lawyers representing Debbi Potts, a former CEHE employee who blew the whistle on the company to Colorado authorities; Nannette Wride and Katie [...]
U.S. Senate Closes 90/10 Loophole in Bipartisan Amendment to COVID Relief Reconciliation Package
On Saturday, March 6, 2021, at approximately 7 a.m., the Senate approved, by voice vote, a bipartisan amendment to delay the implementation of -- and thereby secure bipartisan agreement to support -- the 90/10 loophole [...]
Veterans Education Success Hails Closure of 90/10 Loophole
Congress’ Reconciliation Package Includes Provision to Close Loophole Long-Sought by Veterans Organizations March 6, 2021 7:00 a.m. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. Veterans Education Success hails the Senate's approval, by voice vote, at 7 [...]
More than 30 Veterans and Military Organizations Urge Congress to Close the 90/10 Loophole in Reconciliation
March 5, 2021 The Honorable Patty Murray, Chairwoman The Honorable Richard Burr, Ranking Member US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Washington, DC 20510 Dear Chairwoman Murray and Ranking Member Burr: [...]
Inside Higher Ed: Tightening the 90-10 Rule; Provision in COVID-19 Relief Bill Would Ease Incentives for For-Profit Colleges to Target Veterans
"Instead, the GI Bill dollars count toward helping for-profits meet the 10 percent minimum requirement. To advocacy groups like Veterans Education Success, that incentivizes for-profit institutions to aggressively try to get service members and veterans [...]
Statement on the Senate’s Move to Close the 90/10 Loophole in the Reconciliation Package
STATEMENT FROM CARRIE WOFFORD, PRESIDENT OF VETERANS EDUCATION SUCCESS, ON CONGRESS' MOVE TO (FINALLY) CLOSE THE 90/10 LOOPHOLE "We are grateful Congress is moving to finally remove the target from the backs of veterans and servicemembers [...]
Policy issues of Veterans Education Success
Veterans Education Success works to improve post-secondary quality and student outcomes to ensure military-connected students enjoy a solid education leading to a successful civilian career. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to college quality and student outcomes.
Veterans Education Success seeks to ensure students have adequate protections and rights and also believes bad actor colleges should be held accountable if they’ve trampled on students’ rights. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to student protections and college accountability.
Vterans Education Success works to protect the GI Bill and other federal education benefits.