Our published reports regarding college accountability and students’ rights.
Veterans Education Success works with our military and veteran allies to send policy advice to government officials.
37 Veterans and Military Service Organizations write Congress to share our priorities for Higher Education Act reauthorization
37 undersigned organizations representing the interests of more than 2 million military-connected current students in higher education, write to ensure that reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) increases college access and improves college completion [...]
Our Statement for the Record: House Veterans Affairs Committee: Pending Legislation
Our statement for the record on pending legislation before the US House Veterans Affairs Committee.
Our Statement for the Record with SVA on College Accountability (Senate)
Veterans Education Success and Student Veterans of America teamed up to provide the US Senate education committee with our suggestions for higher education accountability.
Our Statement for the Record with SVA on College Accountability
Veterans Education Success and Student Veterans of America teamed up to provide the House of Representatives education committee with our suggestions for higher education accountability.
Our recommendations to Senators regarding the needs of students of color
Student Borrowers of Color Response to Senators Doug Jones, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris & Catherine Cortez Masto February 15, 2019 Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts on the needs of student borrowers [...]
36 Veteran and Military Organizations Ask VA for Better Oversight of GI Bill Colleges
A letter from 36 military and veteran organizations to the Secretary of VA, requesting a meeting and his attention to the Inspector General's finding that VA is wasting $2.3 billion in GI Bill to colleges [...]
Our Letter urging VA to follow the law on schools that defraud veterans
After multiple for-profit colleges have been caught defrauding veterans, the VA has still failed to act. We wrote a letter to the VA reminding the agency of its duty to protect veterans.
Free Credit Monitoring for Servicemembers
VES and other veterans and military service organizations write to US Federal Trade Commission regarding free credit monitoring for servicemembers
Our Letter urging better disclosures on college performance under Gainful Employment rule
We at Veterans Education Success - a nonprofit that advocates on behalf of veterans, servicemembers, and their families - strenuously oppose the proposed changes to the Gainful Employment rule as they will undermine and weaken [...]
DOL Urged to Exercise Caution With Apprenticeship Programs
Letter urging the US Department of Labor to ensure adequate quality controls in apprenticeship programs approved for GI Bill
Our Letter to FTC Regarding Fake Military Recruiting Websites
28 Veterans and Military Leaders ask US Federal Trade Commission to release the names of the schools that participated in fake military recruiting websites Related letter to US Congressional Armed Services Committees [...]
Baltimore Sun: Maryland First to Protect Veterans from For-profit Colleges
"Gov. Larry Hogan and the Maryland General Assembly have made the state the first in the nation to pass important protections for veterans who often fall prey to deceptive marketing practices of failing for-profit colleges. [...]
VA’s Guidance to Schools on Correcting Violations of 38 USC 3696
On May 8, 2020, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent guidance to 5 schools at risk of losing eligibility to enroll GI Bill students because of 38 USC 3696, which prohibits VA from approving [...]
Press Release: Veterans Education Success Commends Maryland as the First State to Close the 90/10 Loophole
May 7, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Ramond Curtis, State Policy Manager Veterans Education Success Commends Maryland as the First State to Close the 90/10 Loophole Advocates and veterans defrauded by for-profit schools react [...]
Testimony of Student Veteran Eric Luongo
Below is veteran Eric Luongo's testimony at the March 12, 2019 House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on oversight of for-profit colleges.
Borrower Defense CRA Press Conference Remarks from Veteran Tasha Berkhalter
On February 12, 2020, Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer held a press conference in support of Senator Durbin's Congressional Review Act Resolution to overturn the 2019 Department of Education [...]
Public News Service: Virginia Urged to End Restrictive Higher-Ed Enrollment Contracts
As more people explore going back to school after losing jobs in the COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia is being urged to prohibit the use of enrollment contracts by some private post-secondary schools. Michael Saunders, director of [...]
11th Circuit ruling in Great Lakes
We filed an amicus brief about veterans' need for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, in support of a legal case regarding students' rights to use state law to sue loan servicing companies that fail to honor [...]
Policy issues of Veterans Education Success
Veterans Education Success works to improve post-secondary quality and student outcomes to ensure military-connected students enjoy a solid education leading to a successful civilian career. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to college quality and student outcomes.
Veterans Education Success seeks to ensure students have adequate protections and rights and also believes bad actor colleges should be held accountable if they’ve trampled on students’ rights. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to student protections and college accountability.
Vterans Education Success works to protect the GI Bill and other federal education benefits.