Our published reports regarding college accountability and students’ rights.
Veterans Education Success works with our military and veteran allies to send policy advice to government officials.
“I have Student Debt, but No Degree” Veterans’ Letters to Ed Dept
Letters to the Education Secretary by students defrauded by schools
Financial Security for America’s Security
Veteran and Military organizations urge Congress for continued funding of CFPB’s Office of Servicemember Affairs.
Monitoring Student Loan Servicers
Letter from VES to U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau re: monitoring of student loan servicers
Letter to Congress from 53 Veterans, Civil Rights, Consumer Protection, and Student Organizations
"In particular, we oppose all actions to delay, weaken, or repeal the gainful employment, incentive compensation, or recent “borrower defense to repayment” and college accountability regulations. Each of these accountability measures is essential to protecting [...]
Veterans and Military Organizations Urge Congressional Leaders to Keep Student Protections
On behalf of national organizations representing our nation’s military servicemembers, veterans, survivors, and military families, we write to urge you to ensure that important laws and regulations protecting students are not watered down or eliminated. [...]
Veterans and Military Organizations Ask University of Phoenix to Stop Deceiving Veterans
Veterans and Military Organizations Ask Buyers of University of Phoenix to Voluntarily Close 90/10 Loophole, Stop Deceptive Recruiting of Veterans and Service Members
Veterans Education Success Hails Final Passage of Career Ready Student Veterans Act, Thanks Sens. Blumenthal, Cassidy, Tillis, and Reps. Miller and Takano
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Walter Ochinko, Policy Director Carrie Wofford, President December 12, 2016 SENATE PASSES CAREER READY STUDENT VETERANS ACT Legislation Headed to President’s Desk WASHINGTON, D.C. – Veterans Education Success (VES) today hailed the [...]
Veterans and Military Organizations Ask the House Armed Services Committee to Keep Protections in Place to Prevent Fraudulent and Deceptive Recruiting on Military Bases
A letter to Congress requesting limitations to the access that college salespeople have to military bases as a protection for service members.
Press Release: Veterans Service Organizations and Student Veterans Offer Testimony, Urge De-Authorization of Dysfunctional College Accreditation Agency
June 23, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Dominic Slowey Carrie Wofford Veterans Service Organizations and Student Veterans Offer Testimony, Urge De-Authorization of Dysfunctional College Accreditation Agency ACICS’s multiple failures have allowed predatory for-profit colleges to [...]
Veterans and Military Organizations Ask Sen. Manchin to Keep Protections in Place to Prevent Fraudulent and Deceptive Recruiting on Base
Veterans and military organizations write a letter to Senator Manchin urging limited access to military installations for college salesmen. Separate letter from 12 state Attorneys General
Twenty Three Veterans and Military Organizations Ask VA for Better Oversight of the GI Bill
A letter to Secretary McDonald requesting additional oversight of the GI Bill to protect veterans from predatory colleges. Signed by 23 veteran and military organizations.
Ramond Curtis Testimony: Maryland 90/10 Loophole Closure Bill
Testimony submitted by Veterans Education Success State Policy Manager, Ramond Curtis, in favor of 90/10 loophole closure bills - SB 294 and HB 593
Law Enforcement Actions Against Predatory Colleges
This document summarizes government actions against predatory colleges, providing links to the government actions. If you are aware of a law enforcement action or private lawsuit that is not listed, please email us at [email protected]. [...]
New York Times: Protect Veterans from Fraud
On January 1, 2020, the New York Times ran a full-page editorial by the Editorial Board featuring Veterans Education Success' work: "Nevertheless, a 2018 report from Veterans Education Success, a nonprofit that provides legal help [...]
Stars & Stripes: Let Protect VETS Act teach for-profit schools a lesson
Let Protect VETS Act teach for-profit schools a lesson by Mike Saunders I’ve seen a lot during my years in the Army and now working in veterans’ organizations for the past decade. I thought I’d [...]
Letter from Congress to VA regarding VA’s obligation to protect veterans from deceptive colleges
December 20, 2019 Dear Secretary Wilkie: We write today in the wake of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) settlements with for-profit Career Education Corporation (CEC) and University of Phoenix (UOP) for unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices. [...]
Our Amicus Brief in the Montana Supreme Court re Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Veterans Education Success filed an amicus brief regarding the importance of Public Service Loan Forgiveness and opposing loan servicers’ active misrepresentations to students about Public Service Loan Forgiveness. The case is Reavis v. Pennsylvania Higher [...]
Federal Judge Orders Owner of Dog Training School to Forfeit Assets from Fraud Scheme against GI Bill Benefits
"A federal judge ordered 48-year-old Bradley Lane Croft, owner of Universal K-9, Inc., to forfeit over one million dollars in assets derived from his scheme to defraud the federal government with respect to the use [...]
Military Times: Veterans Group Applauds FTC for Gaining $50 Million Settlement Plus $141 Million in Canceled Student Debt in University of Phoenix Deceptive Ad Case
The settlement was applauded by some education advocacy groups, including Veterans Education Success, which works to help military veterans. Carrie Wofford, the group's president, thanked the FTC for its work. “The FTC’s findings should shock [...]
NBC News: University of Phoenix Settlement “Drop in the Bucket” for Student Debt, Advocates Say
"Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success, called the settlement a 'really important step forward' in protecting veterans. 'The broader context of this case is for-profit colleges are incentivized by federal laws to target veterans,' [...]
PBS NewsHour & Hechinger Report: For-Profit Colleges that Get GI Bill Money Need More Oversight, Veterans Say
The VA has received at least 37 complaints about Ashford from GI Bill beneficiaries. An advocacy group called Veterans Education Success (VES) has collected 113 more from veterans and service members, many of which echo [...]
NBC News: University of Phoenix to Cancel $141 Million in Student Debt
"The settlement was applauded by some education advocacy groups, including Veterans Education Success, which works to help military veterans. Carrie Wofford, the group's president, thanked the FTC for its work. “The FTC’s findings should shock [...]
Air Force Times: Veterans Group Applauds FTC for Gaining $50 Million Settlement Plus $141 Million in Canceled Student Debt in University of Phoenix Deceptive Ad Case
"The settlement was applauded by some education advocacy groups, including Veterans Education Success, which works to help military veterans. Carrie Wofford, the group's president, thanked the FTC for its work. “The FTC’s findings should shock [...]
Policy issues of Veterans Education Success
Veterans Education Success works to improve post-secondary quality and student outcomes to ensure military-connected students enjoy a solid education leading to a successful civilian career. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to college quality and student outcomes.
Veterans Education Success seeks to ensure students have adequate protections and rights and also believes bad actor colleges should be held accountable if they’ve trampled on students’ rights. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to student protections and college accountability.
Vterans Education Success works to protect the GI Bill and other federal education benefits.