Our published reports regarding college accountability and students’ rights.
Veterans Education Success works with our military and veteran allies to send policy advice to government officials.
Our Letter to VA to Improve Caution Flags
Caution Flags in GI Bill comparison tool help veterans avoid schools that are bad actors but more should be done. DOWNLOAD
Our Statement for the Record: Senate Hearing on Restoring GI Bill for Veterans at Closed Schools
Our statement for the record before the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs regarding legislation we proposed to restore GI Bill for veterans whose schools close.
Veteran Organizations Thank DOD for Enforcing its Rules against University of Phoenix
National Organizations Thank Defense Department for Enforcing its Rules to Protect Service Members from Deceptive Recruiting
Veteran Protection from Consumer Fraud
Veterans, Military, Education & Consumer Organizations Write to Education Secretary Requesting Action on Consumer Fraud
Our Public Comment on the Need for Gainful Employment Regulations
Veterans Education Success called for the Education Department to institute a strong Gainful Employment rule to protect students who are duped into extremely expensive, subpar educations. While the proposed rule is a good first step [...]
Public Comment by Veterans and Military Organizations on Deceptive Marketing by For-Profit Schools
Public Comment by Veterans & Military Organizations on the Massachusetts Attorney General's Proposed Regulations on Deceptive Marketing by For-Profit Schools
Public Comment by Veterans & Military Organizations Providing Suggestions for VA’s Student Complaint Intake System
Comment Tracking Number: 1jx-886m-6hff Public Comments regarding OMB Control No. 2900—NEW (Principles of Excellence Complaint System Intake) Filed Oct. 15, 2013 We applaud and thank VA for its work establishing the veterans’ student complaint system, [...]
Public Comment by Veteran and Military Organizations on DOD’s Tuition Assistance MOU
Public Comment by Veterans & Military Organizations Providing Suggestions to Defense Department on Tuition Assistance MOU
Coalition Letter to Obama Calling for Strong Gainful Employment Rules
A joint letter to President Obama addressing concerns that for-profit schools hurt, rather than help, veterans' chances of gainful employment after service.
Forbes: University Of Phoenix Pays $191 Million For Deceiving Students
Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success, applauded the announcement and spoke to the findings. “The FTC’s findings should shock every patriotic American. Enough is enough. It's time to stop the fleecing of America’s veterans [...]
Washington Post: FTC reaches $191 million settlement with University of Phoenix in deceptive-advertising probe
“Enough is enough. It’s time to stop the fleecing of America’s veterans and service members by predatory colleges,” said Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success, an advocacy group. “We thank the FTC for its [...]
Chicago Tribune: University of Phoenix to pay $50M, cancel $141M in student debt to settle false-advertising claims
"The settlement was applauded by some education advocacy groups, including Veterans Education Success, which works to help military veterans. Carrie Wofford, the group's president, thanked the FTC for its work. “The FTC’s findings should shock [...]
Our Press Release on FTC Settlement with University of Phoenix
Press Release Embargoed until the FTC’s Announcement Goes Live (likely 11 a.m. December 10, 2019) Contact: Carrie Wofford (202) 838-5050 Federal Trade Commission’s Settlement with University of Phoenix Puts Pressure on VA and DOD to [...]
PBS NewsHour: University of Phoenix agrees to $50M settlement over false ad claims
"The settlement was applauded by some education advocacy groups, including Veterans Education Success, which works to help military veterans. Carrie Wofford, the group's president, thanked the FTC for its work. “The FTC’s findings should shock [...]
Report from New America: “The Bermuda Triad: Where Accountability Goes to Die”
New America released a report detailing the role of the Triad (federal government, states, accreditors) in holding institutions of higher education accountable and provided recommendations for how to strengthen the Triad. Link here.
CBS News: After scrutiny, U.S. again forgiving student debt for disabled veterans
Mike Saunders, the legal director at Veterans Education Success, said he had been surprised to learn about the Education Department freeze, saying the advocacy group had been "under the impression that they were automatically forgiving [...]
Press Release: Veterans Education Success Praises Senator Alexander’s Support for Closing the 90-10 Loophole
For Immediate Release Contacts: Carrie Wofford, President | [email protected] (202) 838-5050 Veterans Education Success Praises Senator Alexander's Support for Closing the 90-10 Loophole Senator Alexander (R-TN) Announced His Support for the Protect VETS Act of [...]
Our Statement for the Record on Forever GI Bill Implementation Efforts for Nov. 19 HVAC Economic Opportunity Subcommittee Hearing
Press Release: Veterans Education Success Praises Bi-partisan Bill to Close 90-10 Loophole
For Immediate Release Contacts: Carrie Wofford, President | [email protected] (202) 838-5050 Veterans Education Success Praises Bi-partisan Bill to Close 90-10 Loophole Proposed legislation in the U.S. Senate will close the 90-10 loophole and remove the [...]
S. 2857: Bipartisan Protect Veterans’ Education and Taxpayer Spending Act of 2019
Introduced by Senators Carper (D-DE), Cassidy (R-LA), Lankford (R-OK), and Tester (D-MT) Bill text is available here
Inside Higher Ed: House Dems’ Vision for Higher Ed
"The College Affordability Act also would make the federal student loan program more generous for student borrowers....the bill has received endorsements from Third Way, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Veterans Education Success, the National Association [...]
Policy issues of Veterans Education Success
Veterans Education Success works to improve post-secondary quality and student outcomes to ensure military-connected students enjoy a solid education leading to a successful civilian career. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to college quality and student outcomes.
Veterans Education Success seeks to ensure students have adequate protections and rights and also believes bad actor colleges should be held accountable if they’ve trampled on students’ rights. You will find research reports and coalition letters related to student protections and college accountability.
Vterans Education Success works to protect the GI Bill and other federal education benefits.