We advocate for military-connected students before the Education Department

Disabled veterans’ right to student loan forgiveness

We had a major win in forcing the US Education Department to honor disabled veterans’ legal right to student loan forgiveness. Still more to do!

Loan Relief for Students Defrauded by a School

We fight for defrauded veterans to get their student loans forgiven by the Education Department, and their Pell Grants restored.

Integrity and Quality Standards by Colleges

We advocate for rules requiring colleges to abide by basic integrity rules and meet minimum quality standards.

Accreditation and Accreditors

We push for high quality standards by accreditors and we expose lax accreditors.

90/10 Loophole

Military connected students are targeted by aggressive and deceptive college recruiting because of a loophole in federal law.

Student Loan Debt

We work on policy to alleviate student loan debt.


Coalition Letter to the Department of Education on Automatic Textbook Billing

June 12, 2024 The Honorable Miguel Cardona Secretary U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202 Dear Secretary Cardona: The undersigned organizations representing a broad coalition of student, taxpayer, anti-monopoly, and civil rights groups write to express our strong support for the Department of Education’s efforts to [...]

Veterans and Military Students Nomination Letter for Program Integrity and Institutional Quality NegReg

December 13, 2023 Aaron Washington U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20202 via email Docket ID ED-2023-OPE-0039 Dear Mr. Washington, The undersigned veterans and military service organizations write to submit the following nominations for the upcoming negotiated rulemaking Committee on Program Integrity and Institutional Quality that [...]


U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences: Military Service and Educational Attainment of High School Sophomores After 9/11: Experiences of 2002 High School Sophomores as of 2012

This Statistics in Brief examines 2002 high school sophomores’ entrance into military service through 2012, up to 8 years after most graduated from high school in 2004. The report provides estimates regarding the timing of military service; the demographic and academic characteristics of those who served in the military; the [...]



Veterans Affairs

Defense Department

Education Department

Consumer Financial Protection Agencies

Federal Trade Commission