
News (parent category)

In-Depth Study of Post-9/11 GI Bill Finds Better Completion Rates and Higher Earnings for Veterans at Nonprofit and Public (especially Flagship) Postsecondary Institutions than at For-Profit Schools and Lower Earnings for Those Who Skip Their GI Bill

Embargoed until July 10, 2024, at Noon (ET) For more information, contact: Dana Tofig, American Institutes for Research, [email protected] Julie Iriondo, U.S. Census Bureau, [email protected] Washington, DC – (July 10, 2024) Two reports released today provide new evidence [...]

Our Press Release: Our Press Release: Local Veterans Sound Alarm On National Stage On Monday 3/4: Exposing How Unfair Practices, Poor-quality School Programs & “Sham Education Factories” Saddle Veterans With Debt & Fuel Student Debt Crisis

MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Ana Cobian (323) 360-1827 [email protected] Local Veterans Sound Alarm on National Stage on Monday 3/4 Exposing How Unfair Practices, Poor-quality School Programs & “Sham Education Factories” Saddle Veterans with Debt & Fuel [...]

Our Letter to Lincoln Technical Institute’s Accreditor

October 31, 2023 Holly Eichhorst Manager of Commission Actions and Governance Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges RE: Lincoln technical Institute Dear Holly Eichhorst, The Lincoln Technical Institute in New Britain, Connecticut is on [...]

Our Press Release: Nationally Known Policy Expert Available for Comment/Context on the Imminent Release of U.S. Department of Education Proposed Rules On “Gainful Employment,” Financial Responsibility, Administrative Capability, and Certification

MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Ana Cobian - 323.360.1827 [email protected] Nationally Known Policy Expert Available for Comment/Context on the Imminent Release of U.S. Department of Education Proposed Rules On “Gainful Employment,” Financial Responsibility, Administrative Capability, and Certification [...]

Proposal for Idaho to purchase University of Phoenix should stop in its tracks

The Idaho State Board of Education made a stunning announcement Wednesday afternoon: The following day, it would “consider a proposal by the University of Idaho to create a not-for-profit entity to acquire the University of Phoenix.” The proposal was listed as an action item, meaning with almost no public debate, the board could act Thursday.

U.S. taxpayers stuck with the tab as helicopter flight schools exploit GI Bill loophole

For some flight schools that train helicopter pilots, the GI Bill that took effect in 2009 was a windfall the government never intended. Helicopter schools had been struggling financially, and the bill excluded them from direct funding. But after finding a loophole in the law that allows them to train military veterans completely at government expense, with no cap on what they can charge, the schools rapidly expanded. They now collect tens of millions a year in taxpayer dollars.

Veteran’s Day Message 2022

Established by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954, Veteran’s Day is an opportunity to recognize those who faithfully served our Nation as a member of the armed forces. It is also an opportunity to recognize [...]

Inside Higher Ed: 90-10 Loophole Closed

“We can celebrate today as the day that the loophole was finally closed,” said Barmak Nassirian, vice president of higher education policy for Veterans Education Success, which helped lead the effort to rally public support [...]

EdNC: Helping Veterans Succeed at N.C. Community Colleges

Nearly 5% of students at public community colleges are veterans, according to a 2019 report from the American Association of Community Colleges. Military veterans are more likely to complete postsecondary programs than their non-veteran peers, a 2018 [...]

Buchanan Introduces Bill to Help Student Veterans

William Hubbard, the Vice President for Veteran and Military Policy at Veterans Education Success said, "When a student veteran faces the collapse of their school, added layers of bureaucracy only serve to worsen an already [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Controversial Transfer Agreement Ends

“California never should have signed a contract with a predatory for-profit college that was sued by law enforcement for high-pressure enrollment tactics and failing to disclose job prospects to student veterans and military students,” Carrie [...]

Our Statement Honoring Senator Johnny Isakson

Honoring Senator Johnny Isakson (1944-2021)  Veterans owe a debt of gratitude to Sen. Isakson for his many years of leadership -- frequently reaching beyond the politics of the day -- to improve the way in [...]

The Capitol Forum: Perdoceo Education Corporation: Data Shows that Deferral of $39M Title IV Funds in 2019 Saved Company from 90/10 Violation; Company Likely Needs to Find New Funding Sources Ahead of 2023 When New Law Closing 90/10 Loophole Takes Effect

"Perdoceo thought that its purchase of Trident University International would cure its problem with AIU’s nearly 90 percent 90/10 ratio as of 2019,” said Walter Ochinko, Research Director at Veterans Education Success. "However, Percdoceo failed [...]

Be Careful of Income Sharing Agreements

By Alex Kish   At this point in the game, it might seem cliché to talk about the impact COVID-19 has had on higher education and how students have been forced online.  But that doesn’t [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Veterans and COVID-19

"What you’re seeing within this population is similar to what you’re seeing in other student populations, especially for post-traditional students," said Tanya Ang, vice president of Veterans Education Success. Read the full story by Inside [...]

Press Release: Veterans Education Success Announces New Team Member

For Immediate Release:                                           Contact: Tanya Ang - (202) 838-5050 September 1, 2020 VETERANS EDUCATION SUCCESS ANNOUNCES NEW TEAM MEMBER Washington, D.C. – Veterans Education Success, announced a new addition to their team today to [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Arizona-Ashford Backlash Begins

Consumer advocates and critics of for-profit education echoed many reservations expressed by Arizona faculty members about Ashford's reputation. "We have serious concerns about this deal," said Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success. "Just last [...]

Video: Tasha Berkhalter’s Story

Hometown Stations TV Interview: "Tasha Berkhalter has traveled to Washington D.C. and been interviewed by big-city media in her mission to get veterans education that they need at no cost."

Forbes: Veterans’ Group Slams Trump For Giving Predatory Schools A Pass

Veterans’ groups immediately slammed the decision. “The only winners today are the schools that used their money and political influence to evade the law and harm veterans,” said Carrie Wofford, President of Veterans Education Success, a veteran advocacy organization. “The GI Bill statute specifically [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Coronavirus News Roundup for May 19

A report from the advocacy group Veterans Education Success found that veteran college students could be disproportionately denied emergency aid grants under the CARES Act because of how the Education Department is interpreting the intent [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Maryland Closes 90-10 Loophole

“This groundbreaking legislation makes Maryland the first in the nation to stand up for veterans and stop predatory schools from cheating them out of their hard-earned GI Bill,” said Ramond Curtis, state policy manager for [...]

Inside Higher Ed: More Help for Borrowers

Mike Saunders, director of military and consumer policy at Veterans Education Success, said waiving interest will only marginally help student borrowers. "We call on President Trump to ensure borrowers, as well as all Americans, have [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Latest Coronavirus News

The multibillion-dollar coronavirus package being negotiated by Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin isn’t expected to include a temporary suspension of student loan payments, said a Democratic House aide. Advocacy [...]

Press Release: Veterans Education Success Praises Decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs to Suspend New GI Bill Students from Enrolling at the University of Phoenix, Career Education Corporation Institutions, Bellevue University, and Temple University

For Immediate Release              Contact:  Carrie Wofford | President (202) 838-5050 Tanya Ang | Vice President (202) 838-5050 March 9, 2020  Veterans Education Success Praises Decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs to Suspend New [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Higher Ed Deal in the Works?

"'Chairmanship succession can be unpredictable, depending on the complicated Rubik's cube of committees and seniority and requests that Senator McConnell may face,' said Carrie Wofford, president of Veterans Education Success and former Democratic senior counsel [...]

Lima Veteran Goes to Washington

A terrific news story about a brave veteran, Tasha Berkhalter, whom we brought to Washington to tell Congress what they need to do to help veterans with student debt caused by college fraud. Lima Veteran [...]

New York Times: Protect Veterans from Fraud

On January 1, 2020, the New York Times ran a full-page editorial by the Editorial Board featuring Veterans Education Success' work: "Nevertheless, a 2018 report from Veterans Education Success, a nonprofit that provides legal help [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Bipartisan Movement in Washington

"Chairman Alexander's support for closing the 90/10 loophole is a game-changer for student veterans and military-connected students across the country and means Congress can and will remove the recruiting target from the backs of veterans [...]

Inside Higher Ed: House Dems’ Vision for Higher Ed

"The College Affordability Act also would make the federal student loan program more generous for student borrowers....the bill has received endorsements from Third Way, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Veterans Education Success, the National Association [...]

HR 4162

HR 4162 by Representatives Roe and Bergman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee will protect servicemembers from the "tax on troops" in which servicemembers pay $1200 for the Montgomery GI Bill, which most never use, [...]

The Military Lending Act and You

This post was originally published by Military.com on August 13, 2019.  The Military Lending Act and You By Mike Saunders, Director for Military and Consumer Policy, Veterans Education Success As an active-duty service member, you [...]

HBO: Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas: The Cost of College

The HBO news show, Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas, worked with Veterans Education Success to expose for-profit colleges' targeting and fraud against veterans.  They interviewed student veterans we are helping and whistleblower former college recruiters [...]

Capitol Pressroom: For-Profit College reform

"In his budget proposal, Governor Cuomo has proposed a number of new regulations on for-profit colleges and universities. We took a deep dive into the issue with Yan Cao, Century Foundation fellow; Pamela Lanich, Western [...]

Politico: Betsy DeVos’ bet on boot camps

As Americans look to build the skills they need for the fast-changing job market, a new type of education provider has swept onto the scene: the coding boot camp, an intensive, short-term training program for [...]

Politico: Betsy DeVos’ Bet on Boot Camps

As Americans look to build the skills they need for the fast-changing job market, a new type of education provider has swept onto the scene: the coding boot camp, an intensive, short-term training program for [...]

Advice for Accreditors

Recruiting practices by institutions of higher learning is an area fraught with deceptive and misleading practices, due to a number of competing incentives. While veteran recruiting practices differ from civilian recruiting in some respects – [...]

The Hill: Protect the Military Lending Act

Standing with the troops requires more than lip service. It also requires action. When the Pentagon found that predatory payday loan shops and unethical car dealers were trolling military bases and aggressively targeting the troops [...]

Press Release: Veterans and Military Service Organizations Urge Education Department Not to Rollback Student Protections and Quality Controls in Program Integrity Rules

September 14, 2018 For Immediate Release:                                             Contact: Carrie Wofford, (202) 838-5050   Veterans and Military Service Organizations Urge Education Department Not to Rollback Student Protections and Quality Controls in Program Integrity Rules  Veterans also Travel [...]

Press Release: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ Rescission of Gainful Employment Fails Statutory Obligation to Stop Waste, Fraud, and Abuse and to Protect Taxpayer Dollars – and Knowingly Puts Veterans and Servicemembers at Risk

September 13, 2018 For Immediate Release:                                           Contact: Carrie Wofford, (202) 838-5050 Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ Rescission of Gainful Employment Fails Statutory Obligation to Stop Waste, Fraud, and Abuse and to Protect Taxpayer Dollars – and [...]

Politico: Military Groups Speak Out

Starting today, Veterans Education Success has taken out ads in news outlets across the country, including near military bases, featuring a letter from 38 military and veteran service organizations calling on the Consumer Financial Protection [...]

NYT Opinion: The Bane That is Betsy DeVos

Today let’s talk about the evil deeds of Betsy DeVos. We’ve been distracted, what with Omarosa and the Manafort trial and that $90 million military parade we were so looking forward to. At the same time, [...]

Press Release: Betsy DeVos Ignores Veterans on Gainful Employment

For Immediate Release:                                                                        Contact: Carrie Wofford, (202) 838-5050 August 10, 2018 Betsy DeVos Ignores Veterans on Gainful Employment Education Department failed to consider veterans’ perspectives in gutting the Gainful Employment rule, which imposed accountability on [...]

Military.com: How to Fight VA Debt

The Department of Veterans Affairs says you owe them money. You disagree. But how do you fight Uncle Sam when he comes for your cash? If there's one thing military members know, it's that when the Defense [...]

The Hill: A Call To Service Without Debt

As a country, we have encouraged our children to strive for bright futures. We prod them to go to college, pursue apprenticeship programs, and otherwise climb the ladder of opportunity by seeking educational opportunities beyond [...]

Task & Purpose: ‘They Didn’t Have To Kill Him’: The Death of Lance Corporal Brian Easle

The thing that everyone remembered about the man in the light gray sweatshirt was how composed he was, how polite and respectful. One morning this past summer, he quietly entered a Wells Fargo bank branch in the Atlanta suburbs in a desperate state. But he didn’t curse or even raise his voice. He just calmly relayed the litany of setbacks and obstacles that had led him to an extraordinarily reckless act.

Inside Higher Ed: A Low Bar for Bar Passage

Nearly nine out of 10 law school graduates who sat for the bar exam within two years of graduating passed it, according to new data from the American Bar Association. But more than 10 percent of [...]

Military Times: Student loan forgiveness benefit on the chopping block

A benefit that lets service members and other government workers write off student loan debt would vanish under a new proposal in Congress. Republican-backed legislation would eliminate a program that allows borrowers in full-time public service jobs to have their student loans forgiven after making payments for 10 years — a move that military and veterans groups say would hurt their members.

The Hill: A Law Connection

One nonprofit on the platform is Veterans Education Success, which provides free legal services to veterans who were taken advantage of by predatory for-profit colleges. “When Betsy DeVos came into the Department of Education, they started to [...]

American Heroes Network: Veterans Education Success

Veterans Education Success provides: • Free Help for Veterans: Free legal services, advice, and college and career counseling to veterans, servicemembers, and their survivors and families who faced college fraud or abuse in using their [...]

The Hill: The Real Tax on Troops

A recent blog post by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) highlights an alarming trend as recruits join today’s All-Volunteer Force. According to CFPB, during last fiscal year, 70 percent of new recruits paid into the Department [...]

New York Times: Exploiting Veterans for Profit

Editorial Exploiting Veterans for Profit By The Editorial Board Nov. 24, 2017 Despite efforts by Congress, the Obama administration and state attorneys general to stop the predatory practices of for-profit colleges, veterans and service members [...]

Press Release: Veterans Education Success Releases New Report Showing 90/10 Loophole is Worse Than Previously Thought: Department of Education Data Shows Increased Targeting of Veterans and Servicemembers, Highlighting Urgency of Closing 90/10 Loophole

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9, 2017 CONTACTS: Walter Ochinko, (202) 838-5050   Department of Education Data Shows Increased Targeting of Veterans and Servicemembers, Highlighting Urgency of Closing 90/10 Loophole   Today, Veterans Education Success is [...]

Inside Higher Ed: VA Drops Plan to Nix Ethics Rule

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on Wednesday dropped a controversial plan to suspend an ethics law that prevents its employees from receiving pay or other benefits from for-profit institutions, The Associated Press reported. A recent inspector general report had [...]

Inside Higher Ed: Wis. Governor Kills For-Profit Oversight Agency

After years of attempts, Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican governor, has successfully eliminated the state's Education Approval Board as an independent agency tasked with overseeing for-profit colleges. Walker's partial veto last week of a budget bill accelerated the timetable [...]

Military Times: New GI Bill passes Senate

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have unanimously passed legislation to make major changes to education benefits for military veterans. Now all that’s left is for President Trump to sign it into law — and the White [...]